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The following questions will help you review this Step. If necessary, reread the appropriate lessons.

  1. What is the most important reason you have learned to witness for Christ?

  2. Have you overcome the problem that most hinders your witnessing? What is the next most troubling hindrance for you, and how do you plan to overcome it?

  3. Summarize why you think a knowledge of the Word of God is important in witnessing.

  4. How will prayer specifically help you, and why do you think the Holy Spirit does not speak of Himself?

Life Application

Write a three-minute testimony of your personal experience with Christ. Briefly share three things:

  • What your life was like before your decision

  • Why and how you received Christ

  • How Christ has changed your life

  • List benefits of knowing Christ.

  • Explain in greater detail what it is like to be a Christian.

Begin a prayer diary listing those whom God has laid on your heart to share your faith in Christ. Record:

  • Their prayer needs

  • Their responses to your witness

  • Their spiritual growth

  • List the opportunities God has given you to witness for Him in the past month. Then praise and thank God for them.


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