Living Together Before Marriage

It is becoming increasingly common for couples to live together before pursuing a marriage commitment. When God first spoke about this issue, He said that both a man and woman would leave their parents and join together to form a new home and a new union in marriage (Genesis 2:24). But many couples want to see how they will get along before they commit to marriage. While it may be convenient to follow what the world says is appropriate, we believe that God has something more for you.
The key to a great relationship before marriage is clear communication and boundaries. If one person is really pushing the other to live together, they are most likely doing it for selfish reasons. They are focusing on what they want, rather than the well-being of the relationship or other person. Don’t expect your partner to be strong enough to avoid temptation for both of you. Have an honest conversation about realistic boundaries that you can set to keep your relationship pure. The standards set early on will lead to true intimacy in marriage.
If you would like to speak with someone about your situation, we would love to help you and be able to pray with you.
Please contact us.
Additional Scriptures
Genesis 2:24